Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Stewart City Clerk Ronda Huls Allegedly Lies to MPCA

November 26, 2019
Melinda Hughes


On November 13, 2019, City Clerk Ronda Huls told the Central Minnesota News Network that the City of Stewart reported its resident Delvin Bethke to the MPCA regarding apparent septic failure at a trailer home of his.

However, Bethke says the problem is due to the city's recently installed storm sewer, which has been causing flooding at his property for the past few years since it was installed.

Bethke says that his septic system works just fine when there is no flooding.


Ronda Huls is the City Clerk for Stewart, and presumably would have reported Bethke or overseen any such action. Bethke believes that Ronda Huls lied to the MPCA when reporting Bethke, giving them false information. Betkhe believes that Huls told the MPCA the basement at his trailer home was backed up with sewage, when it wasn't.  Bethke believes Huls has lied on other occasions to enforcement agencies.

Because of the MPCA report, the County of MacLeod sent Bethke a letter saying the basement at his trailer home was backed up with sewage and his septic system was not in compliance. However, there is no basement under Bethke's trailer.

What was backed up with sewage was another property of his - which was on the city's municipal sewer lines. The city of Stewart's municipal sewage system regularly backs up raw sewage into people's basements, says Bethke.  Here is a photo Bethke posted about raw sewage in his basement bath tub. 

The post specifically references the city's sewer lines, saying, "Why after the city of Stewart spends millions of dollars on a sewer project, that I have raw sewage backing up in my basement?"

It appears that Hul's "mistake" would be deliberate: Bethke says he has been harassed by city officials for many years due to his exposing corruption.


Shortly before reporting Bethke to the MPCA, the water line to Bethke's trailer property was shut off by his neighbor Chuck Paul. Due to an antiquated system that the city had never rectified, the shut off for Bethke's water was on his neighbor's property.

Chuck Paul said the city was pressuring him to cut off Bethke's water, which makes Paul a proxy for the city to shut off Bethke's water.



MacLeod County Environmental Services sent Bethke a letter correcting their information and apologizing for any error. They also said that since the water had been shut off to his property, he didn't have to do anything at this time.

Although city officials will likely try to claim the moral highground on sewage issues, it appears  the city's second attempt to harass Bethke via a second proxy has failed.

Says Bethke, "It just amazes me how God answers my prayers."

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

McLeod County Deputy Ken Reynolds Shoots Horse and Found Not Guilty

McLeod County, Minnesota, deputy Kenneth Reynolds shot Delvin Bethke's horse in Stewart, Minnesota.

Bethke says he heard 9 shots ring out. One horse was injured as it ran into a building to escape the shooting. The other horse had a wound which never healed.  Bethke used a metal detector, which indicated metal inside the horse at the wound.

The horse died about a year later.

McLeod County Deputy Ken Reynolds Criminally Prosecuted

Ken Reynolds was criminally prosecuted for discharging a firearm in the city limits of Stewart.

At the trial Reynolds claimed he was shooting at a woodchuck. However, no woodchuck was found where he was shooting, only a cat which appeared to have died quite a while previously.

And even if he was shooting at a woodchuck -- it is still illegal to discharge a firearm in Stewart, Minnesota.

The jury conveniently found Reynolds "not guilty."

Records of Public Servant Reynolds Hidden from the Public

The court records of the prosecution of Reynolds have also been conveniently sealed.  The truth about a public servant is hidden from the public.  All to protect a crooked cop.

$10,000 Per Month for Sheriff Service

The city of Stewart, Minnesota, pays the McLeod County sheriff $10,000 per month for police service. However, Stewart did nothing to stand up for its resident

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

City Officials Deny Lori Moldan is a Proxy for City to Cut Resident's Water Line

Lori Moldan appears to be the latest attorney for the city of Stewart, Minnesota. Lori Moldan is representing Bethke's neighbor, Chuck Paul, in his private attempt to resolve an issue about a public utility, with his neighbor, Delvin Bethke.

City Officials Deny that Lori Moldan is City's Lawyer

Two city officials have denied that Lori Moldan is a city lawyer. However, Moldan works for the same firm that the other city lawyers work for. And city resident Chuck Paul has said he has been pressured by the city to shut off Bethke's water, saying:

"The city is on me to get the line changed.... I'm in a rock and a hard place just like you.

That makes Chuck Paul and Lori Moldan alleged proxies for the city.

Neighbor Chuck Paul, alleged proxy for the city, cuts Bethke's water line.

City Demands Private Citizens Resolve Issue about a Public Utility

Bethke said that the city of Hutchinson itself gets easements for public utilities when needed, and does not demand that private residents do it.

However, the city of Stewart appears to be quite fixed upon the idea that a private resident must  resolve an issue regarding a public utility by getting an easement.

Four sheds on Chuck Paul's property where the proposed easement was.

Bethke said the easement Lori Moldan wanted him to sign meant that Bethke would have to pay for 3 sheds that could be torn up by putting the water line in, in addition to the cost of drafting the easement.  Said Bethke, "The lawyer even said she could see why I didn't want to sign it. They revised the proposed easement, but it was basically the same thing."

Page from the proposed Easement Agreement that says that
Bethke is required to repair any sheds damaged by any utility work.

Alleged city attorney Moldan also wanted Bethke to pay for the drafting the easement agreement, in addition to the cost of installing the new waterline.

Alleged city attorney Moldan wants Bethke also to pay for
drafting the Easement Agreement.

City Officials Fail to Condemn Deprivation of Public Utility to Resident

The city of Stewart has stood by and appears to approve of their alleged proxy Chuck Paul taking a private action to cut off a public utility to his neighbor, Bethke.

The McLeod County Sheriff, which is hired by the city for $10,000 a month, did nothing to protect a citizen's rights to public utilities..

No city official has condemned the cutting off of Bethke's water line, instead they have justified it. And according to Chuck Paul's statements, the city appears to be behind this assault on a private resident's water supply.

Raw Sewage Backs Up in Basement in Stewart, MN Homes -- For Many Years

For many years the municipal sewer lines have backed up into the homes of Stewart residents. Apparently this has been happening for nearly over 40 years.

The city of Stewart recently paid millions for a new city sewer system recently -- but it failed to address this problem.

The Central Minnesota News Network called city council member Jason Peirce today. Pierce said that to deal with overflow of the city's sewers, the city calls the MPCA to notify them, then pumps sewer water into the storm drain, which then feeds into Buffalo Creek. Peirce said the water in Buffalo Creek is tested for amounts of sewage content.

Peirce blamed the sewage back-up on excessive rains and residents pumping their sump-pumps into the sewage drain system.

Peirce said that sewage would not be flowing to the flooded area where Bethke's property is, it is fed north of the town.

Peirce did not have an answer as to why the city's new million-dollar sewer system didn't correct the raw sewage back-ups in the town.

Below is a post by Stewart resident Delvin Bethe from May 2019.

Photo of Bethke's tub showing raw sewage backed up into his tub.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Stewart's Botched Storm Drain Causes Flooding and Apparent Septic Failure

Flooding in Stewart, MN at the property of Chuck Paul.

In 2018 the city of Stewart, Minnesota, installed new storm drain lines. The map below shows one of the lines in red, which was installed on the SW corner of town. Where the red line ends, the city hooked up its new storm drain line to Delvin Bethke's private line, claiming his line was in the easement.
Current flooding as of November 2019.

However, when the city hooked up their new storm drain -- they were draining their 20" drain line into Bethke's 12" line. Delvin Bethke says this has caused flooding at his property and his neighbor's ever since.

The below photo shows flooding on the south side of Bethke's property. On the right side of the photo is Highway 212.

"The city took a shortcut and hooked a 20-inch line onto my private 12-inch line. This has caused flooding at my property for the past 2 years.  The city needed to clean out the road right of way, then install another drain tile to drain the city storm water to Lake Stewart."

The neighbor Chuck Paul's property has also been flooding.

Bethke explains, "My 12-inch line can't handle the load and the excess water backs into my pipe and floods my property. The are using my property as a holding pond."

The below picture taken November 7, 2019, shows the new storm drain line is not draining, but instead holding water.

The city's 20" drain pipe on the left, Bethke's 12" line on the right.

The below photos show standing water in the storm drain lines, sediment in the drain lines, which will build up and cause failure, and the bottom right shows washout from storms accumulating on private property.


Bethke maintains he has been retaliated upon heavily by corrupt city officials for whistleblowing on their fraud. Bethke says this retaliation has included being harassed for cooking wieners, being fined for making "Pray for my City" signs,  the city trying to take his land, shutting off his water twice, failing to install requested utilities, filing criminal charges  for a claimed zoning violation, and many more things.

Now Bethke has been reported to the MPCA for a failing septic system -- when it appears to have been the city's botched storm drain line that caused it in the first place. Says, Bethke, "The septic system isn't working properly because the water table is getting too high from the new storm water line."


It appears that whoever reported it to the MPCA lied. The letter from McLeod County Environmental Services alleges that there is sewage in the basement -- when there is no basement underneath Bethke's trailer house.

And just like the other instances Bethke cites -- once again there is a threat of criminal charges, charges which appear to be wholly based upon the city's wrongdoing. The below letter says, "You have till November 27th, 2019, to provide McLeod County Environmental Services with a compliance inspection or this matter wil be turned over to the County Attorney for review."

Bethke says he has consulted an attorney and is considering his options regarding holding the city liable for the cost of a new septic system.


The storm drain line when it was being installed.

Storm storm tiles lined up on Grove Street before installation.

Storm drain lines buried.

Storm drain lines being covered.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Breaking News! Crime in Stewart, Minnesota - Break-In, Theft, and Vandalism

Delvin Bethke's property where the water was recently shut off in October 2019, has been broken into.  It was vandalized and belongings were stolen.

Bethke's water bill was paid -- but the city has been pressuring a neighbor to retaliate on Bethke for them.  Bethke reports he has been persecuted and retaliated against by city officials for years for exposing their corruption. 

Stay tuned for updates.

City of Stewart Pumps Raw Sewage into Buffalo Creek

The City of Stewart, Minnesota, is dumping raw sewage into Buffalo Creek, which has been confirmed by council member Jason Peirce.

This photo obtained by the Central Minnesota News Network shows a Stewart, Minnesota city employee pumping raw sewage from the sewer line into the storm drain. The storm drain then empties into Buffalo Creek. 

The photo was taken in the summer of 2019 near Form-a-Feed in Stewart. The witness reported that this was done many times during the summer of 2019.

The Central Minnesota News Network called city council member Jason Peirce today. Pierce said that to deal with overflow of the city's sewers, the city calls the MPCA to notify them, then pumps sewer water into the storm drain, which then feeds into Buffalo Creek. Peirce said the water in Buffalo Creek is tested for amounts of sewage content.

Peirce attributed the sewage back-up on excessive rains and residents pumping their sump-pumps into the sewage drain system.

Peirce said that sewage would not be flowing to the flooded area where Bethke's property is, it is fed north of the town.

Peirce did not have an answer as to why the city's new million-dollar sewer system didn't correct the raw sewage back-ups in the town.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Home Invasion by Winsted Deputy Justin Heldt and McLeod County Deputy Justin Heldt

This story was originally covered by Lion News.

"These people shouldn't be able to ruin people's lives like this. The thing has been devastating for me. I didn't have any positive drug tests, I  had to sign over my children at the time. My live has been turned upside down. I lost my kids, my house, my job.  There was no reason for them to be in there."

Heather Swantek and her fiance Jesse Schafer's home was illegally invaded by Winsted, Minnesota deputy Justin Heldt and McLeod County deputy Justin Heldt.  Swantek arrived home to find the two officers in her house, whispering on the landing.  Swantek was falsely charged with drug possession, lost her house, her job, and at the time her children.  Swantek and Schafer's lives have been turned upside down in the pursuit of justice, eventually getting the fabricated charges against Swantek dismissed.

In the above video Swantek describes what happened:

"In May 2014 police McLeod County deputy Craig Rossow  and Chief of Police Justin Heldt illegally broke into my home without any warrant or any probable cause whatsoever. I interrupted them when I came home, unlocked my door, and found them in my home.

"I can prove this if they'd hand over their free electronic public data in the form of their policy and procedure manuals, but they have been refusing to do it.

"I had to go to jail. 

"They sent in a half pound of epsom salts, tried to say it was methamphetamine, which it never was. They just sent stuff in and thought maybe we'd plea out before it came back. It came back from the BCA. There was nothing in there. And there's a motion to throw that out.

"In the meantime I filed a complaint against the [Winsted] city attorney Fran Eggers and Chief of Police Heldt because they illegally are witholding that information to cover up a crime. Also I filed this today with Patrick Melvin MacLeod County administrator against Michael Junge and Scott Rehmann for withholding that information.

"They're using public funds to cover up a crime. If we were found in their house, we would be doing a mandatory minimum sentence for burglary. 

"These people shouldn't be able to ruin people's lives like this. The thing has been devastating for me. I didn't have any positive drug tests, I  had to sign over my children at the time. My live has been turned upside down. I lost my kids, my house, my job.  There was no reason for them to be in there. 

"They didn't even have their radios on. They claim they went in the house because the door was open and they were looking for a possible burglar. Why didn't you turn your radios and call for back up?

Credit: Lion News
"Each one of them did a separate report. In their report they never wrote once their guns were drawn. On the stand, they claimed their guns were drawn.

"When I come home, I unlocked my door. Who locked the door behind them if their going after a burglar? 

"So I unlocked the door and I find them whispering together. They were stuttering, "Uh uh uh the the the the the door was open." Then they call for back up.

"I went to the McLeod County Herald Journal already, they have no interest in covering the crime, public safety's not an issue for them.They ran my story with my mugshot on there, and all my kids got to see it. And none of it was true. 

"I would like my side of the story get out and I would hope to God that someone would have the decency to do that.

"These people shouldn't be allowed to do this to people. They went around telling all of my neighbors I'm a drug dealer. My kids are in a small town school. I've suffered alot of emotional distress over this. And none of it even needed to happen. All they had to do was look at their d*** employee manual or turn it over to us and they'd clearly see they couldn't be in there legally anyway, and they should have thrown everything out.

Credit:  Lion News

"It's home invasion.

"I don't even have any expectation of privacy in my own home. I can't even trust the people we're supposed to be able to call for safety."

Jesse Schafer chimed in,  "I was in the garage the whole time it happened."

After having her life seared by this home invasion and ensuing legal assault, Swantek got the charges against her dismissed.

Credit:  Lion News
As of this writing, November 6, 2019, Justin Heldt's Linked In says he is still employed by the City of Winsted.

More Lion News coverage of this story at these links:

Case No. 43-CR-14-715 - Dismissed - State Of Minnesota VS Heather Swantek? Chief Judge Terrence E. Conkel Leaves Case Open Even Though He Closed It? Conkel's Attempt To Criminally Defame Swantek? Winsted Police Chief Justin Heldt & McLeod Co. Sheriff Scott Rehmann Still Illegally Withholding Free Electronic Public Data Which Proves Home Invasion By Corrupt Cops? Public Money Used To Cover Up Crime? You Can't Trust Any Arrest, Prosecution Or Conviction In Lawless McLeod Co., Can You?

Jesse Schafer & Heather Swantek File A Complaint Against McLeod Co. Attorney Michael Junge & Sheriff Scott Rehmann? Junge & Rehmann Conspiring With Winsted City Attorney Fran Eggert & Police Chief Justin Heldt To Cover Up May 13, 2014 Home Invasion? Winsted's Herald Journal Aiding & Abetting In Local Corruption? Herald's Editor Ivan Raconteur Willfully Refuses To Interview Schafer & Swantek? City Of Winsted Willfully Refuses To Acknowledge Receipt Of Complaint? Malicious Case No. 43-CR-14-715 To Be Dismissed?

Jesse Schafer & Heather Swantek File A Personnel Complaint Against Winsted City Attorney Fran Eggert & Police Chief Justin Heldt? Eggert & Heldt Conspiring With McLeod Co. Attorney Michael Junge & Sheriff Scott Rehmann To Cover Up May 13, 2014 Home Invasion?

Attorney Kelly Dohm Is Advising City Of Winsted To Illegally Withhold Incriminating Free Electronic Public Data (Winsted Police Dept Policy & Procedure Manual), Isn't She? Dohm "Lawyers Up" And Refuses To Incriminate Herself When Asked To ID Phony Redactions?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

City of Stewart Minutes Contradict Alleged City Attorney Lori Moldan Regarding Disconnecting Water

The Central Minnesota News Network has received a response from the City of Stewart, Minnesota, regarding disconnecting the water of property owner Mr. Delvin Bethke. It appears that the City's policies are at odd with the latest alleged city lawyer, Lori Moldan, who is representing Bethke's neighbor, Chuck Paul.

City Officials Deny that Lori Moldan is City's Lawyer

City officials deny that Lori Moldan is the city lawyer. However, Moldan works for the same firm that the other city lawyers work for. And city resident Chuck Paul has said he has been pressured by the city to shut off his, saying: "I'm between a rock and a hard place.... The city is on me to get that line changed."

Chuck Paul's statements about being pressured by the city link the city to the threat to shut off Bethke's water, and make Moldan an alleged city lawyer.  Chuck Paul and Lori Moldan appear to be little more than proxies for the city of Stewart.

Alleged City Attorney Says Water Will be Shut Off

The  below letter dated September 4, 2019, from the alleged city attorney Lori Moldan, says the city will go ahead and disconnect the water line at a property he owns he if he doesn't respond in the allotted time frame, which was very short given that Mr. Bethke received the letter a day before the stated deadline.

City Minutes Say Water Lines Will Not be Disconnected Until New Line Installed

However, the above letter by the alleged city attorney contradicts the City Council Minutes.  The Minutes were sent to the Central Minnesota News Network by City Clerk Ronda Huls. The Minutes state that at the 5-9-16 Council meeting it was determined:

 "No one will be out of water, the old service will not be disconnected until the new service is connected." 

That contradicts Moldan's letter which threatens to disconnect Mr. Bethke's water line.

City's Statement Contradicts City Resident Chuck Paul

In addition, Ms. Huls' response that the neighbor, Mr. Chuck Paul, requested that Mr. Bethke's water line be disconnected contradicts Mr. Paul's verbal statements to Mr. Bethke, that city officials have been pressuring him.  Mr. Paul said to Mr. Bethke: "The city is on me to get the line changed.... I'm in a rock and a hard place just like you."

The Central Minnesota News Network has contacted the City of Stewart and the alleged city attorney Lori Moldan for a response to these multiple contradictions, but has not received a response.

Stewart Resident Says He is Being Forced to Pay for a Water Line he Doesn't Own

It appears the city of Stewart, Minnesota, is being overtly hostile to resident Delvin Bethke.  The alleged city attorney Lori Moldan sent Bethke a letter that threatened an aggressive response if Bethke didn't respond in a short period of time. 

Says Bethke, "I got a letter yesterday and tomorrow they are going to disconnect my water.  Is anyone having this problem in Stewart?"  Bethke maintains he has been persecuted by the city officials for years in retaliation for confronting their alleged corruption.

Bethke says, "The city is forcing me to maintain a water line that I do not own, and the city of Stewart is forcing my good neighbor to shut off my water."

The letter sent by the city's lawyers claims they will be "forced to proceed in a hostile manner."  However, the city itself appears to be quite hostile to its resident, demanding he pay for two things he did not request:  The drafting of an easement agreement and the installation of a water line.
If Bethke fails to respond, the city will summarily disconnect the water line when there is apparently no immediate need. The neighbor, Chuck Paul, said in a recorded telephone conversation with Bethke that he was unable to go on vacation this year because he couldn't turn his water off (because it would also turn off Bethke's).

Does Chuck Paul mean to say he pays for the city to turn the water off at the curb every time he goes on vacation? That sounds highly improbable. Given the city's zealousness for codes, there is certainly a water main shut off inside his home.  And given the city's zealousness for excessive codes, there is likely a second water shut off on the other side of the water meter inside his home.

It sounds like the city is not only being hostile towards its resident, but also retaliatory.

The Central Minnesota News Network has contacted city of Stewart and the city's new attorney, Lori Moldan, but we have not yet received a response. We will bring you any updates to this story.


It appears that the city of Stewart is having a hard time keeping attorneys.  Fewer than four attorneys in less than a year have been enlisted in the city's prosecution of resident Delvin Bethke.  Bethke maintains he has been persecuted by city officials.

Lori Moldan appears to be a the latest in the series, representing the city from the firm Gavin, Donley, and Ostlund.  It appears no one wants to take this case.

One attorney even apparently resigned.

Here are the attorneys whose names have appeared in city and legal documents.


Zachary Lars Lyngaas appears in the fall of 2018. He is a young attorney, admitted in 2016.


Below is a letter with Kenneth Janssen's name on the letterhead from March 2019.  Janssen is also a young attorney, admitted in 2013.


Below is a court document with Amber Donley's name on it. Donley reputedly resigned due the corruption involved in this case and the harassment of Bethke. Donley was admitted in 2008, so she has more experience than any of the others.


And the latest attorney, Lori Moldan, who was admitted in 2015, also a very new attorney, appears in a letter to Bethke in September 2019.

Who will be next in the city's alleged assault on a resident?

City of Stewart Runs Through Attorneys

It appears that the city of Stewart is having a hard time keeping attorneys.  Fewer than four attorneys in less than a year have been enlisted in the city's prosecution of resident Delvin Bethke.  Bethke maintains he has been persecuted by city officials.

One attorney even apparently resigned.

Lori Moldan appears to be a the latest in the series, allegedly representing the city from the firm Gavin, Donley, and Ostlund.  Moldan has entered the assault against Bethke, claiming to represent his neighbor Chuck Paul.

City officials deny that Lori Moldan is  city lawyer. However, Moldan works for the same firm that the other city lawyers work for. And city resident Chuck Paul has said he has been pressured by the city to shut off Bethke's water, saying: "I'm between a rock and a hard place.... The city is on me to get that line changed."

That makes Chuck Paul and Lori Moldan alleged proxies for the city of Stewart.

Here are the attorneys whose names have appeared in city and legal documents.


Zachary Lars Lyngaas appears in the fall of 2018. He is a young attorney, admitted in 2016.


Below is a letter with Kenneth Janssen's name on the letterhead from March 2019.  Janssen is also a young attorney, admitted in 2013.


Below is a court document with Amber Donley's name on it. Donley reputedly resigned due the corruption involved in this case and the harassment of Bethke. Donley was admitted in 2008, so she has more experience than any of the others.


And the latest, alleged city attorney Lori Moldan, who was admitted in 2015, also a very new attorney, appears in a letter to Bethke in September 2019.

Who will be next in the city's alleged assault on a resident?

August 7, 2019 - Christian Resident Targeted for Fifth Time with Slashed Tires

Stewart resident Delvin Bethke has reported that for the fifth time his tires have been slashed. Bethke has been a long-term whistleblower in the town, and has been routinely harassed for exposing corruption in this town of 500. Who could it be?


June 17, 2019 – Christian Resident Delvin Bethke’s Tires Slashed for Fourth Time

The fourth time since the fall of 2018, Stewart resident Delvin Bethke's tires have again been slashed.  Bethke maintains he is being harassed by corrupt city officials who are desperate to not be exposed.

Stewart Council Members Klucas and Pierce have Stroke and Heart Attack

In June 2019 it was reported to the Central Minnesota News Network that council member Kevin Klucas had a stroke. He was having difficulty walking, and mayor Jason Peirce has a heart attack and had two stents put in.

April 4, 2019 - Christian Resident Delvin Bethke's Tires Slashed for Third Time

For the third time, Stewart resident Delvin Bethke's tires  have been slashed.  Bethke's tires were also slashed October 3, 2018 and October 30, 2018.  Christian resident Bethke says that city officials have been harassing and persecuting him, and going out of their way to do so. Bethke suspects that a city official is likely the one slashing his tires.

Council member Kevin Klucas told  the Central Minnesota News Network in November 2018 that a Stewart resident said he slashed Bethke's tires in October. However, that resident is now in jail. So who slashed Bethke's tires in April 2019?  The day before Bethke's tires were slashed, he had loaded his shed on a trailer so he could move it. It is very difficult to change tires on a loaded trailer, this appears to be a clear act of sabotage.

If you've been following the story at all, the city officials appear to have been waging war against Bethke, demanding he move the shed, but refusing to give him  a permit to do so, even prosecuting him in court for failing to move his shed. (In a small town of 500 people, why would such rigid regulation be needed?)

Finally, after Bethke made four permit applications to the city, the city finally granted Bethke a permit. The previous three permits were denied for reasons which Bethke believes was thinly veiled persecution.  Now that the permit has been granted, the city has put up road blocks all over town, so Bethke is once again unable to move his shed

And permit or no permit, the city is still prosecuting Bethke for the trap they had apparently set for him.  City officials still want to fine Bethke $300 for a zoning violation they basically appear to have created.  Bethke was again  in court Thursday April 25, 2019.  City clerk Ronda Huls was there to testify against him. The judge said she will issue a ruling in the next 10 days.
What is the real motivation of the Stewart city officials to persecute a Christian resident? Is it because they have anti-Christian ties?