Sunday, November 3, 2019

Has Anyone Else in Stewart Received a Letter about their Sidewalk -- More Harassment from City Hall?

Stewart resident Delvin Bethke believes he is again being harassed by the Stewart City Officials.  He received a letter dated January 10, 2019 regarding ice on his sidewalk, and queried as to whether anyone else has received a similar letter.

Mr. Bethke has complained that city officials have refused to receive forms he submitted, rejecting them because they were not filled out properly. However, according to Rule 5 of Minnesota Civil Procedure, "The administrator shall not refuse to accept for filing any documents presented for that purpose solely because it is not presented in proper form as required by any court rule or practice."
Rhonda Huls is the city administrator, and Bethke says Huls has routinely acted to harass him through actions such as rejecting his applications.


Rule 5.Service and Filing of Pleadings and Other Papers

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